How Would Francis Invest?

How Would Francis Invest?

When Pope Francis unveiled his letter to the world about how we must stop trashing the planet, he nearly broke the Internet. The pithy document included hundreds of zingers, including this line: “Whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenseless before the...
5 Key Things Pope Francis Says about Climate Change

5 Key Things Pope Francis Says about Climate Change

Pope Francis just released an “encyclical,” a fancy word for a sort of intimate letter that is meant to serve as a guide to understanding our personal relationship to some of the most complex issues of the day through religious doctrine. This particular encyclical is...
Taking Our Sweet Crude Time

Taking Our Sweet Crude Time

After a quarter-century of buzz over global warming, the climate talkers are at it again, doing whatever it is they do. Visitors to the next big climate change summit, in an act of glorious irony, will pack Paris-bound jets flown by Air France — one of the meeting’s...
We’re All Taking Dirty Pictures

We’re All Taking Dirty Pictures

Maybe you’re not the type to take dirty pictures with your phone. But even if you only snap photos of your dogs and what’s for dinner, there’s a good chance your images could be up to some pretty dirty business. When you post a photo on Facebook or...
Faking It While the World Burns

Faking It While the World Burns

Rex Tillerson, of all people, just did the climate movement a big favor. He didn’t hand the Sierra Club tens of millions of dollars to fight the coal industry like former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Nor did the chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil follow former...