Fukushima, USA

Fukushima, USA

Promoters say To have no fear; We know it couldn’t Happen here. Just to be sure we’re all on the same page, here are a few things we ought to acknowledge right off the bat about nuclear power: It’s the most costly form of electricity. It’s also...
Obama’s Dirty Energy Fixation

Obama’s Dirty Energy Fixation

Just days after a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami unleashed a nuclear disaster in Fukushima, President Barack Obama signed a nuclear power cooperation agreement with Chilean President Sebastián Piñera. Like Japan, Chile is seismically active. It suffered the sixth-most...
Nukes: You Can Never Turn Your Back

Nukes: You Can Never Turn Your Back

Nukes sure make Electrons flow; But they also Make us glow. Supporters of nuclear power and nuclear weapons enjoy a number of intrinsic advantages over their opponents. The first is money. Atoms make for high stakes gambling. Anyone who wins a contract for bombs or...
The Dangers of Nuclear ‘Ice-Nine’

The Dangers of Nuclear ‘Ice-Nine’

The great cautionary tale of the 19th century is Frankenstein, Mary Shelly’s novel. It’s the story of a brilliant scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who builds a monster out of spare parts and then breathes life into it. Instead of being grateful to his...