A Perfect and Hot Storm

A Perfect and Hot Storm

I was driving toward my home in the foothills of the Shenandoah mountains when the wind really started to worry me. It was blowing debris horizontally across Interstate 66 with gusts that were flying at over 80 miles an hour. Then lightning began forking all around....
The Elephant in Rio

The Elephant in Rio

A close friend of mine in Fairfax, Virginia, is expecting her first child. By the time this baby girl turns 60, she’ll live in a world that’s warmer than it’s ever been since humans began walking the Earth 2.5 million years ago, according to a new...
Clearing the Air

Clearing the Air

Here’s some good news: the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a new rule that would make coal-fired power plant operators clean up their act. It would block up to 123 billion pounds of carbon pollution annually from entering our skies by limiting...
Pumping Gas Prices for All They’re Worth

Pumping Gas Prices for All They’re Worth

Oh my God. Gasoline is headed for five bucks a gallon. I read it in the newspaper, so I know it’s true. The national average is already creeping up on $4, and it’s bound to climb higher as the summer surge in travel approaches. FIVE DOLLARS A GALLON! Oh...