Your Tax Dollars Enable Police Brutality Abroad

Your Tax Dollars Enable Police Brutality Abroad

Ever since the Black Lives Matter movement exploded into the headlines, violence by American police officers has come under fire from activists and ordinary citizens alike. Less discussed, however, is how the U.S. government winks at the police brutality of its client...
What’s at Stake in Apple’s Privacy Fight

What’s at Stake in Apple’s Privacy Fight

Civil liberties fans in the United States recently got an unlikely champion: the CEO of Apple. In a high-profile spat with the White House, Tim Cook has emerged as a leading spokesperson against the Obama administration’s efforts to weaken Americans’ constitutional...
Our Endless State of War

Our Endless State of War

When will wartime Ever end? Always seems Around the bend. Combat’s different today than when your grandfather earned his medals. Armies no longer advance and retreat along battle lines. Tanks no longer maneuver. Fleets don’t engage. We’re past all...