Budgeting for Ignorance

Budgeting for Ignorance

Will Rogers said that when Congress is in session, the public gets the same panicky feeling as “when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” Rogers’ observation can also be applied to the mayhem that has broken out in various smash-happy state legislatures....
Illegal Discrimination

Illegal Discrimination

They don’t call it the Bible Belt for nothing. In Alabama, leaders of the United Methodist Church, Episcopal Church, Lutheran Church, and Roman Catholic Church have spoken out against HB 56, the state’s new anti-immigrant law. They say it runs counter to...
Big Coal Buys Access to 4th Graders

Big Coal Buys Access to 4th Graders

If some predator were stalking fourth graders in your community, there’d be a mighty uproar to make the predator get away and stay away from your schools. But what if the stalker were the coal industry, dressed in an academic outfit in a gambit to brainwash...