America the Exceptional

We are the greatest country on earth. If you don’t believe it, just ask us. American “exceptionalism”–the declaration of which produces that warm feeling of knowing there’s nobody as good as you are–is a growth industry these days,...

College Ain’t What it Used to Be

College now Is fraught with woe; Everybody, Wants to go. Everyone is going to college these days, whether they need it or not. And why shouldn’t they? With jobs so hard to come by, you might as well beef up your resume as stand around on the corner. After all,...

Public School Funding: Separate and Skewed

With all the talk about firing “underperforming” teachers, closing the achievement gap, and adopting “common core standards” for students, too many experts are missing a basic source of America’s education woes: the inherently unequal and...

Good-for-Nothing Commission

We have seen the future and it is grim. That glimpse of the road ahead arrived in the form of a preview of the Bowles-Simpson Commission’s report on the kinds of things government has to do (and not do) if we want to avoid economic doom. Things like giving up...