We’ve Got a Long Way to Go, Baby

We’ve Got a Long Way to Go, Baby

When General Motors named Mary Barra the company’s new CEO in December, the announcement made instant headlines. No woman had ever steered a major global automaker . But the hurrahs for GM’s historic hire turned into hoots of derision when a company filing...
What Obama Should Order Next: Paycheck Fairness

What Obama Should Order Next: Paycheck Fairness

When President Barack Obama talked about pay equity in his State of the Union speech last month and connected the dots between gender and low-wage work, advocates in the audience were ecstatic. Representative Rosa DeLauro, lead sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act...
Obama Orders, But Not Enough

Obama Orders, But Not Enough

Some Federal contract workers will get $10.10 an hour. Giving a boost to their buying power. It’s a step, we suppose, in the right direction But U.S. workers need much more protection. Like a living wage that keeps pace with inflation, Paid sick leave without...
Boxing Us into Poor Job Prospects

Boxing Us into Poor Job Prospects

You know what America needs? More jobs, that’s what. Not Walmart-style “jobettes,” but real jobs. We need more stable employment with a good salary and benefits, union jobs so workers have a say in what goes on, and jobs that have strong protections...
Tipping the Scales of Inequality

Tipping the Scales of Inequality

At a pancake house in Houston, Claudia spent two hours rolling silverware into napkins on a slow weekend night. Without any tables to serve, she wasn’t tipped to supplement her $2.13 hourly wage. Like many other restaurant employers, Claudia’s boss did not...