Finding Pride and Fighting Prejudice

Finding Pride and Fighting Prejudice

Like many other people in the LGBTQIA community, the first person I had to come out to was myself. I didn’t have to endure bullying or intimidation when I discovered I was bisexual — and in that I’m lucky. Even in my high school, in a college town with lots of...
Why We Still Need Pride Parades

Why We Still Need Pride Parades

The sun was invisible behind a sheen of Saturday clouds as I crossed the intersection in six-inch platform heels. I was comfortable, and modestly dressed — but even modest outfits are loud on my six-foot-six trans body. A car horn grabbed my attention as I made my way...
What I Learned at Pride

What I Learned at Pride

Like many cities, San Diego holds its Pride Parade every summer. As a straight woman who hates traffic and crowds, I’d never gone before. This summer I decided to go. It wasn’t until I began telling friends about my plans to go that I heard the varying...
His Bigoted Majesty

His Bigoted Majesty

A University of Michigan student has officially changed his personal pronoun to “His Majesty.” The student, who is politically conservative, did so to call attention to and ridicule the university policy which allows students to select their own designated...