Highway Robbery

Highway Robbery

No matter how hard lawmakers try to close their eyes, click their heels, and hope for the best, they can’t make highway funding magically appear. But that doesn’t stop them fiddling and flailing as they burn through the Highway Trust Fund. The Highway...
The Cold Truth Atlanta’s Epic Traffic Jam Exposed

The Cold Truth Atlanta’s Epic Traffic Jam Exposed

Communities around the country can learn a sobering lesson from the day Atlanta literally froze up. How Congress handles one of its biggest spending decisions will indicate whether our leaders got the message. Atlanta found itself scrambling in mid-February to avoid a...
A Triumph of Sewage and Stench

A Triumph of Sewage and Stench

Just over a year ago, the Costa Concordia, a Carnival Cruise ocean liner, ran aground on an Italian reef. Thirty-two died. “We expect to fully recover from the ship incident,” the subsequent Carnival annual report told shareholders. Earlier this month,...
The Capital of Inequality

The Capital of Inequality

Politicians inside the Beltway that circles Washington, D.C., most of us would agree, don’t understand the challenges of daily life that average Americans face outside the Beltway. But these days, if you really want to understand everyday life in our deeply...
The Airline Industry’s Fee-for-All

The Airline Industry’s Fee-for-All

Those who say we should run government like a business must not be frequent flyers. Flying, which was once a fairly good experience, now amounts to being herded, harassed, barked at, and squeezed — while being dunned every step of the way for onerous fees. Make...