Big Coal Buys Access to 4th Graders

Big Coal Buys Access to 4th Graders

If some predator were stalking fourth graders in your community, there’d be a mighty uproar to make the predator get away and stay away from your schools. But what if the stalker were the coal industry, dressed in an academic outfit in a gambit to brainwash...
War Criminal? Not Me Boss!

War Criminal? Not Me Boss!

John Demjanjuk? Now there’s a war criminal for you, and we finally got him. Though he had long lived in the United States, Germany just sentenced him to life in prison. Well, at home actually, since he’s too sick for jail and only has a couple months left....
Global Victory for Domestic Workers

Global Victory for Domestic Workers

The ILO voted by a whopping 396 to 16 margin to adopt a “historic set of international standards” known as the Convention on Domestic Workers. This great news from Geneva was many years in the making, as domestic workers from all over the world have been...
The Lineup: Week of June 13-19, 2011

The Lineup: Week of June 13-19, 2011

In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, Wenonah Hauter calls for a ban on gas “fracking” and Jim Hightower miraculously finds the humor in the GOP’s efforts to kill Medicare. Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly...