This Week in OtherWords: June 25, 2014

This Week in OtherWords: June 25, 2014

This week in OtherWords, Bob Lord reflects on the information gleaned when he helped expose an Arizona official who moonlighted as a crude Internet troll while Jill Richardson and I weigh in on Brazil’s soccer madness, climate record, and economic dynamism. Do...
Water Refugees

Water Refugees

Like most Americans, I always took the clean water running out of my tap for granted. That changed in January, when West Virginia American Water (WVAW) sent out an all points alert to stop drinking, cooking, washing, or doing anything else with the H₂O flowing into my...
This Week in OtherWords: June 25, 2014

The Next Steps for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

On the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency unveiling its proposed carbon pollution standard for existing power plants, clean-energy supporters from coast to coast are digging into the details. As we work to understand how the plan will help us tackle climate...
Highway Funding Runs out of Gas

Highway Funding Runs out of Gas

Lawmakers writing the transportation spending bill have a problem. Actually they have 89 billion problems, because that’s how many dollars they are short between what they want to spend over the next six years and the revenue bean counters expect. Considering...
When Public Servants Demonize the Poor

When Public Servants Demonize the Poor

For years I’d wondered about the identity of a gaggle of anonymous commenters on Blog for Arizona, the website to which I frequently contribute. These guys weighed in a lot and were very eager to burnish the reputation of Arizona School Superintendent, John...