Why We Still Need Feminism

Why We Still Need Feminism

From his campaign rhetoric to his transition appointments, our next president has placed himself squarely in a conservative movement calling itself the “alt-right.” That movement, the Los Angeles Times reports, “generally embraces and promotes white...
Fakery Is Reality for Our Next President

Fakery Is Reality for Our Next President

All hail Augusts Trumpus — the American Putin, whom none can criticize! All hail the All Knowing One, who reveals “realities” that aren’t there and finds “facts” that mere mortals can’t detect. Once again, the Amazing Donald has...
Bipartisan Unity in a Deep Red State

Bipartisan Unity in a Deep Red State

A couple years ago, two South Dakota men on opposite ends of the political spectrum got into a nasty fight over marriage equality. But after one offered the other an olive branch, they wound up forming a bipartisan alliance that won big this election year. Their story...
Get an IUD While You Can

Get an IUD While You Can

As soon as the presidential election results were announced, alarm bells went off for anyone who cares about reproductive rights. Lawmakers around the country have been moving for years to restrict abortion rights. But for millions of women who’ve taken...