Getting Out of Our Coal Hole

Getting Out of Our Coal Hole

When you’re in a hole, it’s usually best to stop digging. But when President Trump told supporters at his 100th day rally in Pennsylvania that “we are putting our coal miners back to work,” he just burrowed deeper into the bed of administration lies on...
American Justice Now Feels Laughable

American Justice Now Feels Laughable

Heard any good jokes lately? Desiree Fairooz did. But laughing at it got her thrown in jail. That’s right: Fairooz was just convicted for laughing during the confirmation hearing of now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in January 2017. She’d attended the...
The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers

The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers

Remember the climate crisis? It’s still happening. Having a government that resembles a circus, it turns out, hasn’t stopped the clock on the level of greenhouse gases in the air. At a conference in Italy, former president Barack Obama spoke recently about...