
Bank of America’s Healthier Roots

Bank of America’s Healthier Roots

The father of Bank of America wouldn’t recognize it today. The “built-to-last” institution he founded has turned into a “built-to-loot” operation obsessed with short-term gains.

Amadeo P. Giannini built Bank of America into the first nationwide financial institution. The Italian American’s success hinged on his determination to challenge the notion that banks should benefit society’s wealthiest members.

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Our Ruinous Game

Our Ruinous Game

The apparent suicide of Junior Seau, the former NFL superstar linebacker, has again raised the age-old question: “Is playing football dangerous, as in potentially lethal?”

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Abortion Politics

Abortion Politics

You have to hand it to the Catholic bishops. They not only define abortion, but also birth control, as murder. And they’re willing to pin the very future of their Church to this arcane belief. Sounds a bit like the Republican Party.

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Wall Street’s Speed Freaks

Wall Street’s Speed Freaks

The power suits making billions off the stock market are always trying to assure us that their trading serves a socially redeeming purpose. They steer money to companies and industries that make our economy more productive, they claim.

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Grassroots Victory

Grassroots Victory

A coalition of some of the world’s biggest and greediest corporations, which lobbied to shift their tax burden from themselves to America’s fast-disappearing middle class, is no more.

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