No Junior Partner

No Junior Partner

During his recent trip to Latin America, President Barack Obama made a herculean effort to suggest that his administration is forging a new relationship with Mexico and the rest of Latin America based on a partnership of equals. “Just as Mexico is being...
Middle Eastern Re-Run

Middle Eastern Re-Run

Can you hear it? Conservatives are beating their war drums and banging their tambourines, trying to gin up support for U.S. intervention in Syria. Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have been particularly vocal about their...
Our Stake in Guatemala’s Genocide Trial

Our Stake in Guatemala’s Genocide Trial

With Syria’s strife, the NRA’s annual meeting, and Kim Kardashian’s prenatal woes to report, Central America doesn’t exactly dominate U.S. headlines these days. So we understand that the octogenarian former dictator standing trial in Guatemala...