This week in OtherWords, Donald Kaul, John Morlino, and Khalil Bendib weigh in on the price our country keeps paying for lax gun laws.

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  1. Another Day, Another Massacre / John Morlino
    Fear and distrust keep many Americans attached to the very weapons that kill thousands of us each year.
  2. Your Internet Provider Is Distorting Free Speech / Timothy Karr
    Comcast thinks it has the right to censor you.
  3. Don’t Pave Our Potholes with Corporate Tax Cuts / Scott Klinger
    If drivers won’t pay 21st century prices for 21st century roads, our once world-class infrastructure will go the way of dial-up Internet.
  4. Will the Carnage Ever Cease? / Donald Kaul
    The chances that you, an untrained shooting range wizard, can prevail against an insane guy with an assault weapon are less than nil.
  5. Will This Documentary Change Everything? / Emily Schwartz Greco
    The new film’s creators aim to spark conversations about global warming.
  6. The Sad Fate of America’s Whistleblowers / John Kiriakou
    History may smile on these guardians of the public trust, but during their lifetimes they remain outcasts.
  7. Letting Pepsi Police Itself Isn’t Very Sweet / Jill Richardson
    The government didn’t get a chance to see whether a new calorie-cutting additive in Mug Root Beer is safe.
  8. Obama’s Kabuki Theater / Jim Hightower
    The 17th-century Japanese art form pretty much sums up the White House’s production of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  9. Two Sides of the Gunslinging Crisis / Khalil Bendib cartoon


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Emily Schwartz Greco

Columnist Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies.

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