More Food Doesn’t Guarantee Less Hunger

More Food Doesn’t Guarantee Less Hunger

Every October, world leaders and corporate executives gather in Iowa to present the World Food Prize. Intended to celebrate those who make the largest contributions to increasing the world’s food supply, the recipients are announced each year by the U.S....
McDonald’s Takes Its Time Cooking Up a New Menu

McDonald’s Takes Its Time Cooking Up a New Menu

The appeal of fast food chains isn’t their food: mostly fat, salty, sugary, empty-calorie mush. It’s their speed. Order, pay, and — bam — your warmed-over burgerpizzachickentaco delight is instantly handed to you. Yet, for a mega-chain based on speed,...
The New Operating System

The New Operating System

Now that Wall Street Rules mankind, We need banks Of a different kind. It used to be the manufacturers who ran the country — steel, autos, appliances, and the like. The president of General Motors, Charles Wilson, is remembered best for having a comment he made...
It’s All Their Fault

It’s All Their Fault

Everyone pretty much agrees that what’s going on in Washington right now ranks up there with the dumbest, most destructive episodes in our history. We are a great and powerful country, on the cusp of achieving that “Shining City upon a Hill” status...
When Citizens Shocked Plutocrats

When Citizens Shocked Plutocrats

A hundred years ago, on October 3, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the first modern federal tax on income. John Buenker has been writing about the events that led to that signing for a good bit of the last 50 years. His 1985 book, The Income Tax and the...