The Biggest Loser in Politics

The Biggest Loser in Politics

You know it’s a good election night when Karl Rove throws a hissy fit on national television. It came just after 11pm, when the man known as George W. Bush’s “architect” heard a TV network declare Obama the winner in Ohio. This wasn’t...
Please Don’t Shoot the Messengers

Please Don’t Shoot the Messengers

Whistleblowers Suffer woe To tell us what We need to know. When you picture classified documents, don’t visions of spy lists, nuclear ignition formulas, cross-sections of bomber wings, or diagrams of missile trajectories come to mind? Well, those documents...
Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

Thanks to the industrializers of American agriculture, we finally know why the chicken crossed the road: to run away from the factory farm. These livestock and poultry factories are encased in thousands of sprawling, low-slung, metal buildings that now litter much of...
Shivering in the Land of Climate Denial

Shivering in the Land of Climate Denial

Love to keepThese storms from me;But can’t give upMy SUV. First, the 80-foot pine tree fell on our house. Then, the power went out, along with the heat. After a few days the indoor temperature became brisk, emulating the outdoors. But in our neighborhood at...