Too Many American Children Live in Poverty

Too Many American Children Live in Poverty

The Census Bureau recently delivered some disturbing news about how the Great Recession and its aftermath are affecting the most vulnerable among us — America’s school children. More than 20 percent of the nation’s counties saw significant increases...
Cereal Crimes

Cereal Crimes

Remember when “natural” meant things like blue sky, green grass, and food you could trust to be good for you? No more. Thanks to corporate greed, “natural” foods aren’t necessarily wholesome. Even when applied to granola, the term often...
Move Your Money to a Better Bank

Move Your Money to a Better Bank

During a key scene in the classic holiday film It’s A Wonderful Life, savings-and-loan proprietor George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, memorably explains to the townspeople how his business works – that he’s not sitting on piles of money just...
The 10 Greediest Americans of 2011

The 10 Greediest Americans of 2011

You don’t have to make millions to rate as an all-star greedster. You do have to be ruthless, self-absorbed, and insensitive to others. Here’s my list of the 10 greediest Americans of 2011. 10. Michael T. Duke, Wal-Mart CEO Duke takes home his millions —...
Wealth is the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Wealth is the Gift that Keeps on Giving

The holiday season exerts a lot of pressure to spend what you don’t have and go deeper into debt in the name of “giving.” This year, let us all support each other to be financially responsible and engage in building wealth instead of destroying it....