The ‘Freedom’ to Refuse Health Insurance

The ‘Freedom’ to Refuse Health Insurance

As the writer Anatole France once said, “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges.” The right to refuse to have health insurance — something Republican leaders tout as a fundamental freedom — is a lot...
A New Kind of Scrutiny on the Campaign Trail

A New Kind of Scrutiny on the Campaign Trail

It used to be that journalists would join major candidates on the campaign trail, following them from coffee shops to parades and beyond as they tried to woo supporters and votes. Reporters would record how a candidate might change his or her stump speech in front of...
A Perfect and Hot Storm

A Perfect and Hot Storm

I was driving toward my home in the foothills of the Shenandoah mountains when the wind really started to worry me. It was blowing debris horizontally across Interstate 66 with gusts that were flying at over 80 miles an hour. Then lightning began forking all around....
Year of the Gaffe

Year of the Gaffe

Maybe you think the presidential election will come down to the issues. That would mean looking at how Barack Obama and Mitt Romney differ on important matters — or, in many cases, how they don’t. Or perhaps the election might be all about money, and the...
Drinking MOX-Laced Lemonade

Drinking MOX-Laced Lemonade

Remember your parents telling you that if something looks too good to be true, it probably is? Well, that principle applies equally to federal programs and clearance racks at discount stores. The difference is that, while consumers learn from buying a lemon, our...