The Dangers of Big Philanthropy

The Dangers of Big Philanthropy

It’s the season of giving. When you hear about a billionaire “giving back” — like Nike founder Phil Knight’s $400 million gift to Stanford, or hedge funder John Paulsen’s $400 million donation to Harvard — do you feel a warm glow? They...
Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Even in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been hard to imagine a bigger bombshell than Russia intervening to help Donald Trump. But that’s exactly what the CIA believes happened, or so unnamed “officials brief on the...
The Pentagon’s $125 Billion Cover-up

The Pentagon’s $125 Billion Cover-up

Let’s say you ask somebody a question. They give you an answer you don’t like, so you pretend you didn’t hear it. Probably all of us would cop to something like this at some time in our imperfect pasts. For most of us though, that pretending hasn’t included...
Draining the Swamp: A How-To Guide

Draining the Swamp: A How-To Guide

When President-elect Donald Trump talked about “draining the swamp,” it evoked the way Bernie Sanders talks about how the system is rigged. Many Americans believe — with good reason — that powerful corporate lobbyists, elites, and other moneyed interests...