Second Amendment Vigilantes

Second Amendment Vigilantes

I don’t hunt, but I have nothing against hunters or owners of rifles, bows and arrows, or boomerangs. However, I am against vigilantes and those, like the NRA leaders, who encourage them. I had my own run-in with vigilantes when I joined the movement to end...
Border Fears Riddled with Holes

Border Fears Riddled with Holes

Senator John Cornyn recently discussed immigration reform at a meeting of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “I think there have to be some conditions satisfied. One is that people know we’ve done everything we can to secure the border,” the...
Making Caregiving Count in France

Making Caregiving Count in France

Even before the ink dries on the messy budget deal that staved off the “fiscal cliff,” the next fight — over raising the debt ceiling — is shaping up. Republicans say they won’t vote to pay the nation’s bills unless offsetting cuts are made,...
A Chance to Invest in TV News

A Chance to Invest in TV News

If you live in a swing state you might be wondering, what happened to all the money television stations got for airing the nonstop spew of political ads right up until Election Day? You’d think television stations, whose news departments at least try to lay...
Filling Solis’s Shoes Won’t Be Easy

Filling Solis’s Shoes Won’t Be Easy

As President Barack Obama’s second term begins, change is coming. Change to his cabinet, that is. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis is the latest of the administration’s leaders to announce her resignation. Obama’s cabinet was already becoming more male...