American Justice Now Feels Laughable

American Justice Now Feels Laughable

Heard any good jokes lately? Desiree Fairooz did. But laughing at it got her thrown in jail. That’s right: Fairooz was just convicted for laughing during the confirmation hearing of now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in January 2017. She’d attended the...
Fighting An Unfair System

Fighting An Unfair System

The gap between the rich and poor has been growing for decades. Some claim this growing gap is the natural result of smart, hard workers getting what they deserve (fabulous wealth) and lazy, mediocre workers getting what they deserve, too (poverty). This framing is...
Wanted: 1.5 Billion Immigrants

Wanted: 1.5 Billion Immigrants

During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump famously promised to deport every person living in this country without proper papers. I have another idea: The 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. should be granted citizenship immediately in a mass induction....
How Trump Could Actually Stop Offshoring

How Trump Could Actually Stop Offshoring

The New York Times recently ran a front-page story about 700 United Technologies Corp. workers who are seeing their jobs shipped off to Mexico. Along with their UTC Carrier counterparts in Indianapolis — who are losing 550 of their jobs to Mexico — this shift leaves...