This week in OtherWords, Donald Kaul skewers the “progress” Congress is making on gun control, Chris Schillig weighs in on the Boston Marathon attack from a runner’s perspective, and Jim Hightower marvels at the Army’s green ambitions.

Here’s a clickable summary of our latest commentaries and a link to our new cartoon. If you haven’t already subscribed to our weekly newsletter, please do.

  1. Under-Regulating the Regulators / Michael Smallberg
    The career moves of the latest SEC chiefs underscore the agency’s revolving door problem.
  2. Let’s Lace Up and Keep Running / Chris Schillig
    We can’t close down the world and huddle in our houses after the Boston Marathon attack.
  3. Cutting Your Benefits Isn’t the ‘Middle’ Way / Peter Hart
    The rest of us are being left out of the “entitlement reform” story.
  4. ExxonMobil’s Mayflower Mess / Michael Brune
    Tar sands crude is both more toxic and much harder to clean than ordinary oil.
  5. No Progress on Gun Control to Report / Donald Kaul
    Gun lobbies have our legislature of cowardly lions in their teeth.
  6. The Art of Inequality / Sam Pizzigati
    Monumental gifts to museums are coinciding with the erosion of arts programs at the nation’s public schools.
  7. How to Send Less Trash to the Landfill / Jill Richardson
    Make a down payment on your own soil’s fertility by composting.
  8. The Army Goes Off the Grid / Jim Hightower
    Fort Bliss, a base near El Paso, is a hotbed of solar power and other green energy initiatives.
  9. Where the Money Is / William A. Collins
    America’s banks have always been shady.
  10. Sacrificing Social Security / Khalil Bendib  cartoon

    Sacrificing Social Security, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

    Sacrificing Social Security, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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Emily Schwartz Greco

Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies

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