This week, the Supreme Court ripped apart unions, held up the Muslim ban, and endorsed deeply gerrymandered congressional districts. These are all deeply undemocratic rulings, upheld by a deeply undemocratic system, I argue this week — and it’s about to get worse with the retirement of swing justice Anthony Kennedy. But I also argue that there are inspiring movements underway to make sure that system’s days are numbered.

Also this week, a judge has ordered a halt to the Trump administration’s family separations on the border. This week in OtherWords, Jeremiah Jaynes shares a personal story of what being forcibly separated from your child feels like. Khalil Bendib skewers the White House for holding kids hostage to a border wall. And Jill Richardson reports on some of the other things the administration was doing while the rest of us watched this story play out.

Meanwhile, Olivia Alperstein rounds out Pride Month with a personal reflection of what the celebration means. Sam Pizzigati reports on the rise of corporate wage theft. And Todd Larsen shares how local communities are fighting back against business-friendly regulators that let companies steamroll pipelines through private property.

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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies and the editor of

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