Most Racism Is Mundane

Most Racism Is Mundane

This spring, the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus has been the site of several heinous acts of racism: An Asian student was spat on and a black student received a note with obscenities and racial slurs slipped under her door. The university is, of course, taking...
These Billboards Have Eyes

These Billboards Have Eyes

OK people, we need to discuss billboards. Yes, we really must. At best, these giant corporate placards are problematic — they loom garishly over us, clutter our landscapes, and intrude into our communities with no respect for local aesthetics or preferences. Now,...
Ohio Proves It: Rehabilitation Works

Ohio Proves It: Rehabilitation Works

You might not guess it from the Republican governor or GOP-dominated legislature, but Ohio is proving itself the most progressive state in the union when it comes to youth prison reform. The Buckeye State has shifted away from punishing kids who get ensnared in the...
A Sweet Tax

A Sweet Tax

As Americans prepare to meet this year’s April 18 deadline to file our taxes, there’s talk of taxes across the Pond, too. Great Britain just passed a tax on sugary drinks. Unlike similar measures in Mexico and Berkeley, California, the British version may lead...
Operation Paul Ryan

Operation Paul Ryan

Exciting news, people: The Republican Party establishment has a secret plan to stop blue-collar voters from supporting Donald Trump. The plan is code-named “Operation Paul Ryan.” Good grief. The GOP’s old-line clique of congressional bulls, corporate...