A Smarter Pentagon Budget

A Smarter Pentagon Budget

Our bloated military budget contributes significantly to our massive national debt and threatens the very security it’s intended to provide. Several expensive and unnecessary military programs are behind this paradox. The Pentagon should cut them from its $640.5...
A Better Budget Deal

A Better Budget Deal

Tea-partying Republicans supposedly pine for smaller government, lower taxes and, of course, the Affordable Care Act’s demise. The conventional wisdom is that these rigid, Republican extremists need to be countered by “moderate” Democrats who will...
The Border Patrol’s Out-of-Control Growth

The Border Patrol’s Out-of-Control Growth

On October 8, Tucson police officers pulled over a driver because the light above his license plate wasn’t working. When he didn’t present a license, a typical scenario unfolded: Under Arizona’s infamous SB 1070 law, cops become de facto immigration...
Washington’s “R” Word

Washington’s “R” Word

On a recent Sunday, as Dallas and Washington revived their annual NFL football rivalry, they also landed in the middle of an escalating fight over the Washington football team’s name. As part of its “Change the Mascot” campaign, the Oneida Indian...