Enough Budget Slashing, Let’s Flip

Our country once had a more widely shared appreciation for both public services and the workers who provide them, including firefighters, teachers, and police officers. Today, however, state legislatures across the country are singing a very different tune. Instead of...
Don’t Cut Head Start

Don’t Cut Head Start

The colors were brighter than any she had seen before. Shapes, letters, and lots and lots of colors adorned the walls. Around the room, children worked together building high rises with colored blocks and “reading” colorful picture books. “I had...
Deconstructing a Paul Ryan Sound Bite

Deconstructing a Paul Ryan Sound Bite

Rep. Paul Ryan from Wisconsin revels in his reputation as America’s ultimate conservative policy “wonk.” He plays the part well. At the drop of a hat, the Republican lawmaker can rattle off a stream of stats that make his rich-people-friendly budget...
Debt Ceiling Kabuki

Debt Ceiling Kabuki

The Kabuki tradition in Congress over raising the federal government’s debt ceiling is in full flower. It’s a more reliable Washington ritual than the Cherry Blossom Festival. Here’s how it goes: The president, whoever he is, says: “It’s...