The Modern Movement for Civil Rights

The Modern Movement for Civil Rights

The racial picture in America has improved remarkably in my lifetime, so much so that a black man has been elected and re-elected President of the United States — an unthinkable development just a few years ago. But paradoxically, Barack Obama’s victory in 2008...
Uncle Sam’s Vast Dragnet

Uncle Sam’s Vast Dragnet

In 1929, Secretary of State Henry Stimson dismantled the department charged with breaking codes and learning other nations’ secrets. Asked why, he said: “Gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail.” Some sources quote him less elegantly...
Metadata Mining Is Mega Awful

Metadata Mining Is Mega Awful

It’s good to know that our friendly, über-secret National Security Agency is out there every day, protecting our freedom. By violating it. A whistleblower has blown the lid off the NSA’s super-snoop program of rummaging electronically through about a...
The New Crime of Eating While Homeless

The New Crime of Eating While Homeless

Whenever one of our cities gets a star turn as host of some super-sparkly event, such as a national political gathering or the Super Bowl, its first move is to tidy up — by having the police sweep homeless people into jail, out of town, or under some rug. But...