How Air Conditioning Unites — And Divides

How Air Conditioning Unites — And Divides

Before air conditioning, even presidents had to suffer. In the summer months, Abraham Lincoln used to ride a horse every evening from the White House to a cottage at a higher elevation four miles away. There he’d join his family in an attempt to escape the...
Mad about the Climate? Don’t Cheer Up!

Mad about the Climate? Don’t Cheer Up!

On June 1, President Trump announced that he’ll withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. If that makes you mad, good. If that makes you outraged and disgusted, even better. We have good reason. Even for a president whose administration has...
The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers

The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers

Remember the climate crisis? It’s still happening. Having a government that resembles a circus, it turns out, hasn’t stopped the clock on the level of greenhouse gases in the air. At a conference in Italy, former president Barack Obama spoke recently about...