Another Side of the Immigration Debate

Another Side of the Immigration Debate

Until a few years ago, Rosa Acosta had never even seen a flush toilet. She raised her 12 children in a tiny adobe home in rural Jalisco, Mexico. Several of her kids left it to work in the United States. One son, who left at age 12 to earn money as a farmworker in...
Border Fears Riddled with Holes

Border Fears Riddled with Holes

Senator John Cornyn recently discussed immigration reform at a meeting of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “I think there have to be some conditions satisfied. One is that people know we’ve done everything we can to secure the border,” the...
Taxation without Representation

Taxation without Representation

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free. I’ll give them some taxation without representation. With apologies to Emma Lazarus, that’s the situation faced by many of the more than 10 million undocumented immigrants who live in...
New Law Damages Arizona’s Credibility

New Law Damages Arizona’s Credibility

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a statewide law forcing local police officers to question and potentially detain anyone they “reasonably suspect” to be an undocumented immigrant. If you believe our local law enforcement agencies, which will be required to implement...