This week in OtherWords, Donald Kaul, Jo Comerford, and Ryan Alexander size up the temporary truce that ended the government shutdown and averted default. Kaul fans take note: In his column, he explains that he’s taking some time off due to health reasons. Please send any get-well-soon wishes my way and I’ll forward them to him.

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  1. Washington’s “R” Word / Marc Morial
    The football team of the nation’s capital region needs a new name that’s not a racial slur.
  2. When Government Is Too Small / Jo Comerford
    Every American should have been in the streets when our elected officials labeled cancer care for children as “nonessential.”
  3. Gearing Up for Friday the 13th / Ryan Alexander
    Diffusing the threat of an immediate default and reopening the government gave Congress another chance to do not what’s easy, but what’s right.
  4. This Truce May Not Bring Peace to Washington / Donald Kaul
    The tea party faithful are already beating their war drums.
  5. How to Steer Our Rolls-Royce World onto a Smoother Road / Sam Pizzigati
    No child anywhere needs to grow up — and suffer — in extreme poverty.
  6. Jack-o-Lanterns Illuminate the Luxury in Our Lives / Jill Richardson
    Did you ever consider yourself lucky because you can carve a pumpkin instead of eating it?
  7. Spinning Failure into Gold / Jim Hightower
    Wall Street’s greatest deception is the claim that they’re brave risk takers who put their money into enterprises that create America’s economic growth.
  8. Charting a Better Path for Our Public Schools / Emily Schwartz Greco and William A. Collins
    Even middle-class students no longer get a fair shot at a solid education.
  9. Spooky Congress / Khalil Bendib Cartoon
Spooky Congress, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Spooky Congress, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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Emily Schwartz Greco

Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies.

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