
Deconstructing a Paul Ryan Sound Bite

Deconstructing a Paul Ryan Sound Bite

Rep. Paul Ryan from Wisconsin revels in his reputation as America’s ultimate conservative policy “wonk.” He plays the part well. At the drop of a hat, the Republican lawmaker can rattle off a stream of stats that make his rich-people-friendly budget nostrums seem almost reasonable.

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Mitt Romney’s Mexican Roots

Mitt Romney’s Mexican Roots

As a Latino, family heritage is important to me. I believe we can all learn from the journeys of our ancestors. For some, these may have involved crossing the border without papers, seeking freedom from persecution, or fleeing the violence of revolution. These struggles and sacrifices have made our country great.

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State Budget Battles are about More than Cutting Deficits

State Budget Battles are about More than Cutting Deficits

Earlier this year, people across the country were riveted to the politics of Wisconsin. Claiming to address the state’s budget crisis, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker proposed eliminating the right of public workers to unionize. Wisconsin’s citizens immediately took to the streets in massive protests — only to see the union-busting legislation pushed through by the state senate in a late-night surprise vote.

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Debt Ceiling Kabuki

Debt Ceiling Kabuki

The Kabuki tradition in Congress over raising the federal government’s debt ceiling is in full flower. It’s a more reliable Washington ritual than the Cherry Blossom Festival.

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War Gets Easier All the Time

War Gets Easier All the Time

It used to be that war was a really big deal. Conflicts such as Vietnam could tear the country apart. Times have changed, with decisions on war quickly becoming back-page stuff. Our wars were scarcely discussed during the last congressional election campaign. How come?

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Crossing the Lexicon

Osama bin Laden’s demise raises many moral, legal, political, and historical questions. As I’ve edited and posted a steady stream of commentary about this post-9/11 milestone, one persistent editorial question has touched on all these issues.

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