This week in OtherWords, Jill Richardson puts her own brush with food stamps into a broader context, Jim Hightower lampoons a rich Tennessee lawmaker who wants to slash spending on the program but pockets plenty of farm subsidies, and Marc Morial calls for raising the minimum wage. Donald Kaul, meanwhile, bids Michele Bachmann a not-so-fond farewell.

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Here’s a clickable summary of all our latest commentaries and a link to our new cartoon.

  1. None of My Business / Chris Schillig
    We have a cockeyed view of poverty in America.
  2. Prosperity for All / Richard Kirsch
    The economy that matters is measured by whether enough Americans hold decent jobs, not the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
  3. Boosting the Economy from the Bottom Up / Marc Morial
    It’s time to raise the minimum wage and peg it to inflation.
  4. Michele Bachmann Bows Out / Donald Kaul
    Her most hilarious accomplishment was being named to the House Intelligence Committee.
  5. The Wealthy’s Free Pass / Sam Pizzigati
    Our tax code pads the bottom line of the Americans who need help the least.
  6. Feeding the Economy / Jill Richardson
    The government should expand the food stamp program, not shrink it.
  7. A Frog-Jumping Double Standard on Food Subsidies / Jim Hightower
    Millionaire lawmaker Stephen Fincher is pushing for cuts to food stamps and increases in subsidies that will pad the Tennessee Republican’s own bottom line.
  8. Cleaning Up Our Portfolios / Emily Schwartz Greco and William A. Collins
    A new movement is putting pressure on people and institutions to dump their investments in dirty energy companies.
  9. Food Stamps SOS / Khalil Bendib 
  10. Food Stamps SOS, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib
Food Stamps SOS, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib
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Emily Schwartz Greco

Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies

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