
Not All Taxes Have to Hurt

Not All Taxes Have to Hurt

Taxes are deeply emotional and make for hot political theater. Whenever the T-word is blurted out, our anxiety zooms. And, that’s the whole idea. Millionaires, who rightfully are the target for paying more, want us to think that any changes in the tax code will mean that we’ll all be paying more too.

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Emerging Economies Join G20 Coalition to Tax Speculation

Emerging Economies Join G20 Coalition to Tax Speculation

Talk about piling on. Bill Gates, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1,000 parliamentarians, 1,000 economists, the world’s major labor leaders, Occupy Wall Street protesters, Oxfam and other major development groups, thousands of nurses, the World Wildlife Fund and other major enviros, Michael Moore…It might be easier to list who didn’t come out didn’t come out in support of a Wall Street tax in the lead-up to this week’s G20 summit in Cannes.

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Welcoming Overdue Mercury Standards

Welcoming Overdue Mercury Standards

As a mother with a toddler, I’m always trying to protect my daughter. From choking hazards to toxic household chemicals, from busy streets to steep stairs, there are a lot of dangers that keep us parents on our toes. Unfortunately, there are some toxins our children get exposed to before they are even born.

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Tax Wall Street to Heal America

Tax Wall Street to Heal America

National Nurses United, America’s largest union of RNs, is sounding an alarm.

We’ve organized rallies in New York, Boston, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, as well as in Minnesota, Michigan, Texas, Florida, and other states and cities. We’ve held demonstrations at 60 congressional field offices. And we’ve joined the Occupy Together movement as first aid volunteers in more than a dozen sites, including on Wall Street, where it all started.

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