Environment and Health

Naming the Names behind Extreme Weather

Naming the Names behind Extreme Weather

Environmental groups tend to be a bit grim-faced. That's understandable since they're constantly confronting industrial uglies that range somewhere between awful and apocalyptic. So it's a treat when one of them turns impishly playful, as a group of climate change...

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California’s Smarter Stewards

California’s Smarter Stewards

Ten days before Christmas 2006, I moved to California, the Shake 'n Bake State. The first friend I met in my new home was a firefighter with the Forest Service. The first gift I received was a wind-up flashlight for use in the next major earthquake. That's our state....

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Getting Mother Nature’s Drift

Getting Mother Nature’s Drift

My father was an early member of a group now known disparagingly as "ultra-lawn people." "High," as everyone called him, was dedicated, body and soul, to the Sisyphean task of trying to maintain a lawn full of lush St. Augustine grass in hot, dry Texas. He planted,...

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America the Wild and Beautiful

America the Wild and Beautiful

In late August, I was lucky enough to celebrate in person the fifth anniversary of the Wild Sky Wilderness area in Washington's Cascade Mountains. This 106,577-acre region is home to rugged mountains, beautiful stretches of pine forests, miles and miles of hiking...

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Scott Walker’s Sick Leadership

Scott Walker’s Sick Leadership

To paraphrase an old bumper sticker: "When the people lead, leaders will follow. Or not." Not when the "leaders" are in the pocket of corporate interests that don't like where the people are leading. Take Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a conservative Republican who...

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The Medical-Industrial Complex

The Medical-Industrial Complex

Getting well Takes lots of pluck, With health guys out To make a buck. As the Obama administration struggles to keep rolling out its landmark Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amid partisan squabbling, the shortcomings of American health care are more evident...

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Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death

Sharron Camaratta bites her lips. She never thought of this as a major problem until 2007. That's when she read that certain brands of lipsticks contain lead, a substance that can cause brain and nervous system damage. So she stopped wearing the problematic brands —...

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