This week in OtherWords, Julian Bond calls on Congress to fix the mistakes the Supreme Court made in its ruling that gutted the Voting Rights Act. Given that our cartoonist Khalil Bendib had so masterfully illustrated the many ways that voting rights were under attack long before the majority’s Shelby County v. Holder ruling came out, we’re reprising two of his earlier cartoons on this topic. One accompanies Bond’s commentary and the other goes with a column I wrote with William A. Collins. We’ve also got a new editorial cartoon regarding genetically engineered crops.

As always, our commentaries and cartoons are available for use at no charge in newspapers and new media under a Creative Commons license. Editors may find information about that on our website or contact me with any questions at OtherWords[ AT ] If you haven’t already subscribed to our weekly newsletter, please do.

  1. The Modern Movement for Civil Rights / Julian Bond
    Congress must act to correct the Supreme Court’s many wrongs.
  2. Michigan’s Snappy Innovation / Nehemaiah Rolle
    The Farm Bill should expand a pilot program that’s alleviating hunger and helping farmers in Michigan and Ohio.
  3. Today’s Mad Men / Colleen Teubner
    The military justice system needs a 21st century wake-up call.
  4. Giving a Big Story the Cold Shoulder / Don Kraus
    TV news coverage of climate change is spotty and misleading.
  5. Where Would We Be Without Social Security? / Jo Comerford
    Congress must ensure that the promise of Social Security and Medicare remains fully funded.
  6. An Endangered Species Up in Arms / Donald Kaul
    The number of students taking humanities courses is plummeting, and financing for liberal arts education is being tea-partied to death.
  7. Runaway CEO Pay Gets a Free Pass / Sam Pizzigati
    The House Financial Services Committee has just moved to repeal the only statutory provision now on the books that puts real heat on overpaid top executives.
  8. The 2013 Corporate Chutzpah Award / Jill Richardson
    The World Food Prize Foundation should look further afield.
  9. A New Housing Emergency / Jim Hightower
    Many of our wealthiest citizens are hurting.
  10. Fair Elections, RIP / Emily Schwartz Greco and William A. Collins
    The Supreme Court’s Shelby ruling aids a Republican plan to win more elections without winning support from more voters.
  11. Corporate Witchcraft / Khalil Bendib cartoon

    Corporate Witchcraft, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

    Corporate Witchcraft, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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Emily Schwartz Greco

Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies

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(Note: Images credited to Getty or Shutterstock are not covered by our Creative Commons license. Please license these separately if you wish to use them.)